Wessex Archaelogy are to look for a dead elephant near Kingswood, Bristol. Here’s The Observer link to the report.
I have doubts they will find much other than bones. Bones with lots of ‘hacks’ on them. At £400 a time the late Victorian menagerist, EH Bostock (or in this case his brother in law Frank Bostock (Little Frank*)), would have extracted as much of the meat from the bones to feed to the other beasts in the menagerie.
However, if they do find anything of the elephant, then the forensics would be interesting. The pit would, of course be large and easy to spot methinks!
Psst! There’s an elephant buried on the banks of The Clyde River. Don’t tell anyone.
There’s one buried at Smithfields market too!
*Not to be confused with E H’s brother Frank (Big Frank)
hattip to Heather for these reliable facts.