More Photos: Anti-Bosnian War Protest, Trafalgar Square, circa 1994

With the extradition of Abu Hamza and four others to the USA for prosecution for allegedĀ  terrorist acts, maybe a really bad era for Britain has finally come to an end. It also reminded me of my first experience of Islam in action, so to speak. It was at a Balkans War demonstration in Trafalgar Square, London.

This era was not the finest hours for Western governments given their inability to prevent the slaughter of innocent men, women and children across the Balkans during the early 1990s.

Anyway during the demonstration several of the Muslims started praying. Not something Trafalgar Square had witnessed before I thought. So I started snapping the proceedings.

Maybe Abu Hamza was amongst the demonstrators? His poison certainly spread rapidly during the 1990s Whatever the case, Britain was about to experience some violent and poisonous times culminating in despicable terrorist acts on the streets of London. Hard to believe looking at these peaceful proceedings.

All Photographs circa 1994, during a demonstration against the Balkan war. Copyright the author. Ilford HP4

Back to My Pics! Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex

I snapped this river dwelling on the river Crouch at Burnham in Essex on the weekend of the local regatta (Burnham Week). The regatta was almost cancelled completely due to high winds and storms. You can see how much more dramatic it makes a monochrome (sepia) print. Taken on Ilford HP5 film due to the overcast skies and fast moving clouds.

Burnham on Crouch, River Crouch, Burnham Week, 1994, River Dwelling. Copyright the author 1994. Ilford HP5