James Webb Earliest Galexies images point toward confirming my IBBU universe hypothesis

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I had good news recently. The astrophysicist found 6 new galaxies, bigger than the Milky Way, just 320 million years after the Big Bang!

Now that’s awesome in its own right and The Standard Theory (Einstein) is turned on its head.

Several year ago I hypothesised a central dark body and that we see only a fraction of the universe due to this IBBU (Infinite Black Body Universe) obscuring space.

See this link: http://www.georgewombwell.com/author/2011/07/29/hypothesis-alternative-view-of-the-universe/

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As James Webb is a million miles from Earth, it can now see more space, be it just small increase. However, if I am right we could estimate the current size of the central body. If, as I claimed, the IBBU is expanding, it might also be possible to estimate this expansion rate (or contraction rate of course).

In any event I claim this as further evidence supporting my hypothesis.

Einstein’s Gravitational Waves: Another indication of the IBBU Universe

About five years ago I postulated a new view of the Universe: The IBBU Universe. See here

Today, scientists announced the detection of gravitational waves, Einstein’s outstanding theory from his major studies on gravity and the general theory of relativity. This is exciting stuff in its own right of course and congratulations to the teams that did the hard work to detect gravitational waves last year. It’s interesting they pinpoint a major interaction between two black holes as the cause. I would like to know how they did that.

What is does for the IBBU hypotheses I announed five years ago is that we now have a method that has every chance to find the black body source at the centre of our universe. This is because it would have immense effects on space time ripples and detecting the resulting gravitational waves suddenly became a definite possibility.

The IBBU Universe as postulated by HD in July 2011.


Read more on Gravitational Waves