London2012: How to commit the perfect professional foul!

TeamGB Women’s Handball in a practice match during the buildup phase in the Copper Box.


If those Premier League footballers want to know how to commit the perfect professional foul they need look no further than the Handball matches. Held in the Copper Box, the perfect professional foul seems to be the way forward for these athletes. Just lean into your defensive opponent and hey presto you get the ref’s whistle. Now I know little of this sport and have so far seen but one practice match as a Gamesmaker. There’s also more yellow cards in this sport than at a Millwall FC match!

This is an incredibly fast sport and one that the UK has so been missing out on in many years. Those of you that are lucky enough to have tickets will not be disappointed and those of you that missed out, make sure one day you see this sport in action. It starts live today and can be seen on the BBC ‘Red Button’. Hint: you may need to re-tune your system to get the 24 channels. They alone are impressive.

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Not my words, but it so sums up the plight of our lesser known sporting heroes (or heroines if you prefer). Whatever! Anyway these girls are really dedicated to their Olympic Handball challenge.


Handball? What’s that I hear you ask. Well I knew nothing about it till recently either. Now I’m being based at the Handball Arena (more correctly: The Copper Box) as a Gamesmaker I’ m learning fast and understanding how difficult it is to get the ball rolling (pun intended). This is definitely a should read.

I for one will be cheering them on from the sidelines throughout the day. In any case I like baked beans too!

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