Blogging or No Blogging? Is the end in sight?

There is much talk on the ether about blogs and controlling the output. We already have anti-terrorism laws of course but HD wondered how things might pan out over the next year or so…
Blogs will eventually be controlled. The Labour Government has done it before. If you are old as me then you were also brought up on the music output of the miss-named 'pirate' radio stations. Look it up, especially how they all ended.
See the Labour government of Harold Wilson and their passage of the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act on 15 August 1967. Actually it was 'Marine, etc….'.
In much the same way as then, government will demand licencing of blogs, well web sites which includes blogs. Blogs hosted outside the UK will lose advertising overnight since anyone 'assisting' by advertising on an unlicenced site/blog will be liable to prosecution.
That's how Radio Caroline, etc. lost their 'Persil' and 'Oxo' adverts. Cut off the radio stations without funding. It of course, led to the growth in licenced radio in the UK and no-one complained at that.
It could easily be extended to internet sites. Unlicenced and you put your sponsors at risk of fine/jail! result: no adverts.
No adverts, no growth.
This I argued many moons ago is how pornography could be removed overnight from the internet. Did anyone listen then? No, they needed the revenues of pornography in the early days of the internet. It was the only one making money.
Licensing of sites/blogs would be a revenue earner as well as a control mechanism on the owners. Wait and see if I am wrong, etc., etc., etc.

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