London2012: Gamesmakers are making a really good impression

The Olympic Stadium at night. Copyright the author 2012
The outside area of McDonald’s ‘largest restaurant in the world’ complex. Copyright the author 2012

Two articles today (links below) show that Gamesmakersare having a real affect on the general public that visit the various venues around London. The most visible are the wayfinders and event services Gamesmakers who stand out in all weathers along with the Gamesmakers on duty front-of-house in venues. As a Gamesmaker back of house, I can only admire their tenacity and patience during some very long shifts (I’m sure there’s a law against that somewhere) and I’m rather jealous to be honest, given I’ve done very little myself during my three weeks of shifts in a Technology role.

I have made up for it by walking the Olympic Park during breaks, etc. and mingling with the other Gamesmakersand visitors to the park where I get asked many questions given I wear the same purple uniform as everyone else on duty. I just trust I get the answers right. Apologies to Common Domain Gamesmakers if I don’t! These photos are some of the results from my Olympic wanderlust on day one of the park opening to ticketholders.

Some of the millions of planted flower beds in the Olympic Park at night. Copyright the author 2012

The most pressing and so far unanswered question on Twitter for Gamesmakers is where are the Cadbury’s chocolates?

Given Gamesmakers wear the corporate colour of this Olympic sponsor( purple was not by accident) this question will be increasingly asked of them. Their response so far has been we have no control over the 3,000,000 chocolates we delivered to LOCOG

A real side step there then and implying that LOCOG are the ones withholding these little demons from some very impatient chocaholic Gamesmakers! Revolution must be on the horizon in some venues if LOCOG don’t release them soon I feel.

BBC report

Part of Coca-Cola ‘Beatbox’. Copyright the author 2012

Evening Standard report

Velodrome from mid-Olympic Park. Copyright the author 2012

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