James Webb Earliest Galexies images point toward confirming my IBBU universe hypothesis

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I had good news recently. The astrophysicist found 6 new galaxies, bigger than the Milky Way, just 320 million years after the Big Bang!

Now that’s awesome in its own right and The Standard Theory (Einstein) is turned on its head.

Several year ago I hypothesised a central dark body and that we see only a fraction of the universe due to this IBBU (Infinite Black Body Universe) obscuring space.

See this link: http://www.georgewombwell.com/author/2011/07/29/hypothesis-alternative-view-of-the-universe/

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As James Webb is a million miles from Earth, it can now see more space, be it just small increase. However, if I am right we could estimate the current size of the central body. If, as I claimed, the IBBU is expanding, it might also be possible to estimate this expansion rate (or contraction rate of course).

In any event I claim this as further evidence supporting my hypothesis.

The Largest Structure Ever Observed in the Universe

Reported this month is the discovery of the largest ‘structure’ in the universe.

A computer visualization of quasar cluster U1.27 or, more colloquially, Huge-LQG, the largest object ever identified in the universe (Roger G. Clowes)

This gives further support to HD’s hypothesis that the universe has a large central body – Infinite Black Body Universe (IBBU). This comes just a month or so after the publication of the largest black hole discovery. HD is feeling quite smug right this minute.

Read the report


‘Largest Black Hole Discovered’ could be best proof of IBBU Universe Hypothesis

The journal Nature has recently reported the discovery of the largest black hole in the universe according to the Independant newspaper. This is excellent news for HD’s hypothesis that it is an infinite black body universe (IBBU)

The apparent fact that black holes can be so large (in this case is more than 11 times wider than the orbit of Neptune, the eighth planet in the Solar System) gives credence to the theory of the existence of a central body with similar properties to black holes, which I postulated in a post on Jul 29, 2011.

So-called sightings of black holes are inferred by their ability to prevent light from escaping their interior in the same way that the IBBU hypothesis allows for an infinite black body mass at the heart of the universe. This one may in fact be the IBBU recorded in a particular state and not just an echo of itself, as I prefer to refer to the appearance of other black holes across the whole universe. More work needs completing on this observation to determine whether it is in an expanding or contracting phase. Finding evidence that the so-called black hole works independently of the galaxy in which it is supposed to reside, will be further evidence of the existence of the Infinite Black Body Universe.


Higgs Boson: The search goes on but the scientists have it wrong

Today’s news from CERN that the Higgs Boson may exist given their findings from their two experiments ATLAS and CMS have indicated the same. The findings are as elegant as the presentations they make about them and not withstanding the expense to get thus far, it looks bright for particle physicists in the years to come.

However, as all particle physicists know, Higgs Bosons do NOT account for gravity, therefore their assertion that this news is quite possibly the most startling ‘in their lifetimes’ is both brash and hollow at the same time. Brash because it will provide the oxygen for further funding requests and hollow since it proves very little about the real universe.

HD has already given their alternative universe hypothesis this time last year. The ‘Infinite Black Body Universe’ or IBBU principle that relates all bodies whether infinitesimally large or infinitesimally small, are handled in exactly the same way and are all subject to the laws of gravity. Therefore today’s announcement leaves the scientific community in exactly the same place as they were yesterday: no idea how to explain gravity and no nearer to explaining the existence of the universe despite what they might tell you. Particle physicists take note!