Higgs Boson: The search goes on but the scientists have it wrong

Today’s news from CERN that the Higgs Boson may exist given their findings from their two experiments ATLAS and CMS have indicated the same. The findings are as elegant as the presentations they make about them and not withstanding the expense to get thus far, it looks bright for particle physicists in the years to come.

However, as all particle physicists know, Higgs Bosons do NOT account for gravity, therefore their assertion that this news is quite possibly the most startling ‘in their lifetimes’ is both brash and hollow at the same time. Brash because it will provide the oxygen for further funding requests and hollow since it proves very little about the real universe.

HD has already given their alternative universe hypothesis this time last year. The ‘Infinite Black Body Universe’ or IBBU principle that relates all bodies whether infinitesimally large or infinitesimally small, are handled in exactly the same way and are all subject to the laws of gravity. Therefore today’s announcement leaves the scientific community in exactly the same place as they were yesterday: no idea how to explain gravity and no nearer to explaining the existence of the universe despite what they might tell you. Particle physicists take note!

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