Oxford Dictionary of National Biogrpahy

I received a reply to my campaign to get the Dictionary upated, in view of the recently released biography (Vols I and II). It is reproduced here. At last,I feel we are getting the nation to change their view on George Wombwell’s life. Of course, I have no way of knowing when and ‘if’ the Dictionary will be updated. You can be assured that I will continue the campaign if they do not take into account the contents of the premier biography of George Wombwell, celebrated Menagerist.



Georgewombwell.com archives now simple image pages

We have recently changed the way we store the Collection’s digital records. This was because the previous system was not compatible with new hosting requrements, or were difficult to move between hosting companies.

The Collection’s archives, formerly held in a database format, are now simple pages of images under the categories:
Art and artefacts
Carte de Visite
Cartoons and Satire
Coins and Tokens
Maps and Plans
Newspapers and Journals
Photographs and Illustration

The text relating to each item has been lost, so it will be recreated over time. If you have any questions about a particular item then ask and you shall know!